Monday, April 26, 2010

New Header

I've spent some time deciding on a new header. I've been wanting a label to use when I open an ETSY account this summer. I felt it had to be short and catchy, yet meaningful to me. So I came up with "Willow Blue".

First of all, when growing up, our family home had two huge willow trees in the back yard. They created lots of wonderful shade, and we had a swing set between the two trees that we spent hours on.

Secondly, as a child, we used dinnerware with the Blue Willow design. The dishes were a wedding present to my parents from my mother's grandmother. We used those dishes for years, and I now have the platter displayed in my kitchen.

Therefore the title "Willow Blue" in honor of endless summer shade, family supper, and my favorite color! It works for me, and I'll use it in ETSY as well as here!

1 comment:

Karen said...
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